Ayurveda workshop at Snowflake Festival in Winnipeg!

***UPDATE: registration for this workshop is full.***

Join me on Sunday January 21st, 2018 (3:45-5 pm) at the Snowflake Wellness Festival in Winnipeg! I will be doing a creative workshop discussing the healing methods of Ayurveda. Check out the workshop’s description below:

Ayurveda: A Life of Balance, Inner-healing, and Self-Love

Through an emphasis on addressing an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional aspects, Ayurveda is a traditional healing method for achieving wellness and harmony. Considered the sister science of yoga, it offers the methods to guide our path towards inner healing in a way that is sustainable, rooted, and holistic.

One of the most important principles of Ayurveda is that of balance; one aspect of balance is the interplay between ourselves and the environment we live in. Through this workshop, discover daily self-care practices and considered cooking and food choices that enable us to connect deeper with ourselves and the world around us. Unearth simple, logical wisdom that enables resilience, well-being, and self-love.

Join Adrienne Shum (MSc, ALC) for an inspiring discussion on how the grounded, wise system of Ayurveda can be applied to your unique needs and lifestyle, and propel your journey towards wholeness.

Breathing Through: a workshop series coming this October 2017!

Breathing Through workshop series Oct 2017

Join me this fall for Breathing Through: Traditional meditation techniques applied to a modern life.

In this four-week workshop series, we will explore the subtler aspects of yoga through an immersion in traditional breathing (pranayama) and awareness (anapanasati) techniques. Take the opportunity to work intimately with the breath and discover how these practices can expose another layer of insight found on both the yoga mat and the meditation cushion.

In addition to guidance and practice of the techniques, each session will include a short talk on yoga philosophy and time for questions.

After completing this workshop series, you will have the tools to cultivate your own breathing/meditation practice, so as to continue your exploration of how these simple but effective techniques can flourish in your everyday life.

Practising in the stillness and tranquility of the morning is the ideal time for cultivating mindfulness, stability and a deeper capacity for compassion. Join me in exploring this path towards the heart of yoga.

Saturdays Oct 28 to Nov 25
(No class on Nov 11)
8:45-10 am | $100
Register at www.yogapublic.com

Our Hecla Retreat for 2017 is sold out!

Thank you to everyone who is joining us at Hecla this October for our Relax and Renew yoga retreat! Natasha and I look forward to delving deeper into practice with all of you in the beautiful backdrop of Grindstone Provincial Park.

If you were interested in coming to the retreat but didn’t sign up, please send me a message here to be put on a wait list.

A new year, with new beginnings

Making Peace with Yourself workshop, Jan 11, 2017

Join me on Wednesday January 11th (6:45-8 pm) for this intimate evening of ritual, community, beauty and wisdom.  Challenges are inevitable both on and off the yoga mat; let’s explore how we can navigate the ups-and-downs with resolve and equanimity.  Space is limited to 15; please visit Yoga Public to register.

***Update on Jan 4th: this workshop is sold out!!!***