Limited space left in our Costa Rica retreat!

A few extra spots have opened up in our Journey to Paradise Yoga Retreat happening February 11-18, 2018 at Luna Lodge in Costa Rica! If you are interested, email me now to snag your spot! Visit the Retreats page to get all the details.

One more MindFULLness workshop!

Please join Angie Pringle and I for the final MindFULLness workshop on Saturday, January 23rd, 2017 (3:30-5 pm, $35, Yoga Public).  We will discuss how plant proteins are a great way to nourish yourself and take care of our planet.  We deserve to eat well, but the way our food is grown can have a taxing effect on the environment.  We will explore sustainable ways to affect positive change in the health of not only us, but the place we call home.  

We are very excited to invite Ryan Pengelly of Tamarack Farms to join us and to share his personal stories of being a quinoa farmer in Manitoba!  There will be an opportunity to buy his quinoa (cash only), and sample tasty treats made with his delicious crop.

Hope you can join us!  Please register at

The Form of Emptiness: a Five-Day Retreat with Jonathan Austman

Join us this fall for another silent retreat with Jonathan Austman, September 30th to October 4th, 2015, at Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre, Beausejour, MB (less than an hour outside Winnipeg).  Meditation, yoga and dharma talks will be led by Jonathan, and I will be cooking yummy Ayurvedic food!  Space is limited, so register early at Yoga Public’s website.  If you have questions, you can email Jonathan at jonathan(at)yogapublic(dot)com.

Cost (includes program, room/campsite, food): single room – $580.00+GST; camping – $500.00+GST

Daily Schedule:

Wed, Sept 30
2:00-3:30pm Check in
3:30-5:00pm Yoga
5:30-6:30pm Supper
7:00-9:00pm Orientation, Sitting/walking review, Talk (Silence begins at 7:30pm)
9:30pm Lights out

Thurs, Fri, Sat, Oct, 1-3
6:30-7:00am Tea
7:00-8:00am Sit/walk
8:15-9:30am Yoga
9:30-11:00am Breakfast/rest
11:00am-1:00pm Sit/walk
1:00-3:00pm Lunch/rest
3:00-5:00pm Sit/walk
5:00-7:000pm Supper/rest
7:00-9:00pm Sit/Talk
9:30pm Lights out

Sun, Oct 4
6:30-7:00am Tea
7:00-8:00am Sit/walk
8:15-9:30am Yoga
9:30-11:00am Breakfast/rest
1:00-3:00pm Lunch/closing (Silence ends at 1:30pm)

Hope you can join us!

granola bars and other foods.

Thanks so much to everyone that came to the Om Nom Nom Nourish workshop at the Prairie Yogi studio this weekend!  It was so lovely to share the practices of yoga and Ayurveda with you.  If you are looking for the recipes for the Winter Sun Granola Bars and the Pumpkin Ginger Cranberry Snack Bars that I made for the workshop, please visit my food blog at

Until next time, may you keep eating and living well!