New FREE chant up on Insight Timer!

David and I are excited to announce that we have uploaded a new FREE kirtan recording on the Insight Timer app!

It is a recording of the chant, OM MANE PADME HUM. It calls for benevolence and prosperity, and originates from the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Mantras are short phrases chanted repeatedly, and while it sounds esoteric, we actually chant mantras to ourselves all the time – but usually the mantra is something like, “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t deserve X.” Chanting traditional mantras crowds out the unbeneficial thoughts that have been stuck inside on a loop, so that you can be free of them.

Simply listen, or practice call-and-response to this live recording.


Live Kirtan album now available!

live Kirtan album available

Here it is! Thanks to the technical prowess of my intrepid partner, David Quiring, we have for you a live recording of a Kirtan we did this past winter!

Whether you chant along or simply listen, I hope this recording allows you to soak up the wonderful energy of that night and enjoy the beauty of chanting.  A huge amount of gratitude to those of you who lent your voices to that evening’s practice!

As the record is live, it has its unpolished moments – which I think is a fitting reminder that life is never perfect, but a continual process.

Get it here:
We hope you enjoy it!