Rinse and repeat: an Ashtanga yoga practice video.

To help with navigating these turbulent times, our second online yoga video offering is a 60 minute Ashtanga practice.

Ashtanga is a flowing style of yoga, particularly distinguishable by its set sequence of postures. A set sequence asks us to surrender to what is, instead of running away or avoiding what is uncomfortable.

When you keep practising this set, you discover that there is a lot of power in repetition: the opportunity to find depth and subtlety alongside comfort in the familiar, as well as the opportunity to reflect on how you change on a daily, monthly and seasonal basis. As we observe these changes, nothing needs to be fixed, or pushed away; instead, we learn to hold space for what’s arising and falling. Through this, we grow our resilience and compassion.

As the COVID-19 pandemic situation continues to evolve, what will carry us forward to an uncertain future, with as much grace as possible, is to continue returning to tried-and-true methods that help us to feel grounded.

Let us endeavour to root down into our feet, feel our breathing, and come back to a practice of embodiment that can offer an anchor in these turbulent times.

Things keep changing. Fear, paranoia, grief, and frustration – these are normal. At the same time, there can be joy, gratitude, kindness, and community.

Rinse and repeat.
Rinse and repeat.
One breath at a time.
We are in this together.

Dana is the practice of donation – and was the traditional way that yoga teachers received financial support. I know a handful of contemporary teachers that maintain this practice and rely heavily on dana – turns out that I am currently one of them!

If you find value in this offering, and you are in a position to give, please consider donating by clicking the button below. I am grateful for your support and interest in what’s going on in my tiny corner of the universe; thank you in advance for your support.

Take good care.